AIT Celebrates Third Anniversary of Taiwan’s Entry into the Visa Waiver Program

The American Institute in Taiwan is pleased to launch a photo contest to celebrate the third anniversary of Taiwan’s entry into the Visa Waiver Program (VWP).

In 2012, Taiwan became the seventh economy in the Asia Pacific region and one of only 38 economies worldwide to enter the Visa Waiver Program and enjoy visa-free travel to the United States. Since then, the number of Taiwan visitors to the United States has increased by nearly 42%.

The “Visa Waiver Program Turns Three” Photo Contest invites Taiwan citizens who have travelled to the United States under the VWP to share photos from their trips. The best photos will be posted on AIT’s Facebook page. Contest winners will receive AIT souvenirs and join AIT Director Kin Moy to have a meal and discuss their trips to the United States.

To enter the contest, participants must submit a photo taken during a trip to the United States under the VWP via email to Photos must be accompanied by a caption that completes the sentence: “Thanks to the Visa Waiver Program, I _____.” Contest entries will be accepted from October 14 to November 1, 2015.