U.S. Department of Commerce Official to Visit Taiwan

Holly Vineyard, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Asia with the International Trade Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, will visit Taiwan from March 22-26, 2014. She will be visiting Taichung to participate in the 38th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) High Level Policy Dialogue and deliver opening remarks at an APEC Seminar on Facilitating SME Integration into Global Supply Chains. While in Taipei, Deputy Assistant Secretary Vineyard’s visit will highlight trade and investment opportunities between the U.S. and Taiwan.

She is scheduled to deliver opening remarks at the “My Dream Vacation USA – Summer theme” media event to promote Taiwan travel and tourism to the U.S. She will also attend a SelectUSA reception to promote the U.S. as a premier destination for Taiwan investment.

Ms. Vineyard is visiting Asia on a three-stop tour that includes The Philippines, Taiwan and South Korea. She directs the Commerce Department’s regional activities in Asia on trade, market access, and commerce, and is responsible for developing commercial programs, policies and strategies in the Asian region. Prior to her current position, Ms. Vineyard served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.