2021 NASA Hackathon: Let’s Show the World Taiwan’s Talents

2021 NASA Space Aps Challenge Hackathon in Taipei

September 9, 2021

 2021 NASA Hackathon: Let’s Show the World Taiwan’s Talents
Registration to the largest global hackathon on Earth is now open!


The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Taipei City Government, National Space Organization (NSPO) of National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs), and g0v Jothon will host the 2021 NASA Space Apps Challenge Hackathon in Taipei from October 2-3.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the event will be held virtually.

The NASA International Space Apps Challenge is an international hackathon for coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, technologists, and others in cities around the world, where teams engage NASA’s free and open data to address real-world problems on Earth and in space.  For one weekend each October, participants from around the world come together over a 48-hour period to solve challenges submitted by NASA personnel.

Since this year marks the tenth anniversary of the NASA International Space Apps Challenge, the theme for Space Apps 2021 is “The Power of Ten.”  This year’s hackathon will feature ten Global Awards and NASA will commemorate ten amazing years of community, collaboration, and problem solving by forming a power-team of ten international space agencies who will work together to make Space Apps accessible to more communities worldwide.

This year’s hackathon is expected to be NASA’s largest ever, offering an opportunity for local teams to showcase their extraordinary innovative skills and represent Taipei on the global stage.  Select teams that compete in the local competition will be chosen to compete in NASA’s global challenge.

Collaborators and Special Thanks 

In addition to the four co-sponsors, Taipei’s 2021 NASA Space Apps Challenge hackathon partners include the Open Culture Foundation, Microsoft Taiwan, MediaTek, g0v Scho001, Tai Lam Lang Club, Startup Terrace, Amazon Web Services, Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development, and WinGlobal Technology.

The local hackathon awards include:

  • Local Awards provided by NARLabs’ NSPO:
    • First Winner: 60,000 NTD
    • Second Winner: 30,000 NTD
    • Third Winner: 10,000 NTD
  • Sponsor Awards
    • Best Use of Azure: Microsoft Taiwan will present Xbox Series X sets to two teams who make the best use of Microsoft Azure technology in their project solutions.
    • MediaTek Better Future Award: MediaTek Foundation will award two teams 30,000 NTD each and two teams 20,000 NTD each based on their insight, technology implementation, and application potential.
    • Gender Innovation Award: The Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development will award one team 20,000 NTD who has at least one team member from an under-represented group and who’s project has a gender perspective.
    • WinGlobal Best Space Game Award: WinGlobal Technology will pick two teams who use the Tensor space applications game to win the Artemis Gold Award (30,000 NTD) and the Artemis Silver Award (20,000 NTD).
    • Additional awards will be announced.

Special thanks to:

  • Space Apps Lead Advisor and Judging Group Lead: Jiun-Huei Proty Wu, Professor, Institute of Astrophysics, National Taiwan University
  • English Mentors Group Lead and Fulbright Scholar: Cheng-Yi Eric Lin, Institute of Applied English Assistant Professor, National Taiwan Ocean University

Start Your Space Apps 2021 Hackathon Journey and Sign Up Now 

The challenge summaries cover many interesting topics from the Light Curve to mapping space trash in real time, and from calculating COVID-19 risks impacts to combating loss of insect biodiversity because our lives hinge on the wellbeing of insects.  The challenges are for participants of all ages and skill levels.  Start brainstorming and sign up now: https://bit.ly/3kKf448

To learn more about the 2021 Hackathon Challenge Summaries, visit: