The American Institute in Taiwan is pleased to co-sponsor the 2014 Daniel Pearl Day of Music, a free outdoor concert that will take place on Saturday, September 27th from 2:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. at the Taipei Hakka Cultural Park, No.2, Section 3, Dingzhou Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei.
As recent events remind us, journalists around the world continue to be under threat as they perform vital work in hostile areas around the world. Daniel Pearl, a journalist for the Wall Street Journal who died on assignment in 2002, was one of these brave souls. To commemorate his life, Daniel’s friends and family gather each fall for a remarkable series of concerts celebrating his life and “Harmony for Humanity.”
An accomplished journalist and musician, Daniel Pearl lends his name to an event that is now regarded as one of the longest running and best known network of international concerts, comprising more than 11,000 performances in 129 countries. Each event held in his name harnesses the power of music to promote harmony and mutual understanding.
This year’s event in Taipei is free and open to the general public. More than a dozen local and foreign musical groups will perform on two outdoor stages, representing different genres of music ranging from rock, reggae, blues, swing, to African percussion, and world music.
This year’s featured artist will be the Idan Raichel Project, an artist from Israel committed to performing music with artists from around the world. Throughout his career, he has sought to break down barriers between artists of different cultures and ethnicity. Other music groups include David Chen and the Muddy Bassin Ramblers, BB Bomb, Dread Rider, Pan Africana, Blind Acid Date, Soup Mother, The Jelly Roll Affairs, Arman Tourus & The Soul Pack, and Kon Kon Ba and special guests.
Members of media are welcome to cover this daylong event.
For the latest information about the event, please visit the Official Facebook Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/danielpearl.tw as well as the Daniel Pearl Foundation’s website at www.danielpearl.org.
For more information about press events in Taipei, please contact David at 0930-371-036 or friendgram@gmail.com.