East Asia & Pacific Archives - American Institute in Taiwan https://www-ait.edit.usembassy.gov/category/regions/east-asia-and-pacific/ American Institute in Taiwan Thu, 22 Mar 2018 08:40:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Alex Wong at the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Hsieh Nien Fan https://www-ait.edit.usembassy.gov/remarks-deputy-assistant-secretary-state-alex-wong-american-chamber-commerce-taipei-hsieh-nien-fan/ Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:30:01 +0000 http://www-ait.edit.usembassy.gov/?p=44129

The United States supports Taiwan’s closer economic integration with its neighbors in East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia, as well as in the Pacific. Taiwan’s contribution to a network of cross-cutting linkages will strengthen the rules-based fabric of the region and ensure its free and open nature. | OT-1803 | March 21, 2018

本文章 Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Alex Wong at the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Hsieh Nien Fan 第一次出現在 American Institute in Taiwan.

Statement of Susan Thornton Nominee to be Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs https://www-ait.edit.usembassy.gov/statement-susan-thornton-nominee-assistant-secretary-eap/ Thu, 22 Feb 2018 06:20:25 +0000 http://www-ait.edit.usembassy.gov/?p=43750

Statement of Susan Thornton Nominee to be Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Senate Committee on Foreign Relations February 15, 2018 Chairman Corker, Ranking Member Menendez, members of the committee, it is my great honor to appear here today as the President’s nominee to serve as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia ...

本文章 Statement of Susan Thornton Nominee to be Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs 第一次出現在 American Institute in Taiwan.
